Non-Invasive Stroke Screening for Real-time Brain Assessment

The Problem – Ischemic Stroke

 Through the development of an innovative technology, CereView Stroke swiftly assesses LVO ischemic stroke.

Delays in Stroke Care Due to Inadequate Diagnosis

Presently, stroke evaluations Use subjective stroke screening tools, Even for LVO ischemic strokes.

Currently, stroke evaluations rely on subjective screening tools. There are three popular screening tools designed to measure stroke severity. VAN – Vision, Aphasia, Neglect – identifies Large Vessel Occlusion (LVO) strokes. Additionally, LAMS (Los Angeles Motor Scale) provides a simple and validated assessment of stroke severity. Finally, the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale measures neurological function.

Despite the availability of these screening tools, none has emerged as the definitive solution for assessing LVO ischemic strokes. LVO stroke make up a substantial portion, ranging from 25% to 45%, of all ischemic strokes. Ischemic strokes account for a significant 87% of all stroke cases.

LVOs, characterized by the blockage of major brain arteries, result in a substantial reduction in blood flow. This requires fast, timely treatment to prevent significant neuronal loss. Recognizing the urgency, the World Health Organization reports that annually, 15 million people worldwide experience strokes, leading to 5 million deaths and leaving another 5 million permanently disabled. The critical principle of ‘Time is Brain’ underscores this urgency in stroke treatment. Each half-hour delay in reperfusion – the restoration of blood flow to an organ or tissue after having been blocked – reduces the likelihood of a favorable outcome by 26 percent.

Cerenetex dedicates itself to minimizing delays and optimizing the time to triage for LVO ischemic stroke patients in response to these challenges. Through the development of an innovative technology, CereView Stroke swiftly assesses LVO stroke. Like a stethoscope for the brain, by capturing acoustic signals through a wireless headset connected to a tablet. Explore in detail how we are revolutionizing stroke care and transforming the landscape of stroke diagnostics and treatment.